Saturday, October 19, 2024: 7 pm
Encouraging teens to share their gifts to benefit their community
The Chippewa Valley Teen Talent Contest exists to help teenagers gain vision for using their gifts to be a blessing to others. Whether it is entertaining their siblings, bringing joy to the elderly, inspiring the public, or serving in church, we want teens to see that sharing their talent can greatly impact their community.
Your Sponsorships help CollECtive Arts to continue to develop the next generation of community Artists!
Sponsorship submission deadline: Oct. 10th
- Get a full page ad for your business in the program
- May have a representative talk for 1 minute at the event
- Plus everything in “Director” sponsorship level
- Will have specific mention on stage at the event
- May have a table in the foyer at the event -Will have a 1/2 page add in the program
- Plus everything in “Arranger” sponsorship level
-Will have a 1/4 page add in the program
- Will have a slide-advertisement in our pre and post show reel at the event.
- Plus everything in “Artist sponsorship level
- Your Name will Be Printed in the “Artist” sponsorship list in the program, and included in our credits for online promotion.
- Your logo will be printed in the program
-Your Name Will Be Printed in the “Fan” sponsorship List in the program.